Sunday, 26 July 2009

Light At The End of The Tunnel

Most of my former colleagues who were also made redundant seem to be back on their way into the workplace now, even if it's just a stopgap, but it's great news.

Some of them are working on the shambles that has affectionately been called the SwineLine, but I'm sure things will get better there once it gets a bit more established.

It's been nice to see how supportive everyone has been of each other, suggesting suitable jobs, meeting up for moral support, etc.

To those who are now back in work, congratulations! And to those who are still looking, keep your chin up, there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel.

I really love the band The Noisettes, and this song always makes me feel happy, so I thought I would dedicate it to all my wonderful old workmates who I miss very much...

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