Wednesday 22 September 2010

The Great Big Hooters Hoo Haa

A couple of days ago I read a story about M&S planning to sublet one of their vacant retail units to US restaurant chain Hooters, in...wait for it.... Bristol.

Ahhh, brilliant! I thought. I love Hooters!

Me and Mr G went to Vegas Hooters on our honeymoon. It was nothing special, the food was pretty rubbish but we bought a bag full of Hooters T-Shirts, Hooters baby grows for our nephews and a Hooters dog collar for Lucy. Here's a picture of me showing off my very own Hooters, outside Hooters - that shirt doesn't fit any more :(

Yesterday there came about a sequence of events that led to me reading more about the story and subsequent heated debate about women and identity in the comments section of the website Mumsnet. You can read what I'm on about here.

This might sound trivial, and indeed my concern has been met with confusion by the two people I have spoken to about it, but it has caused me to call into question what I held to be a rather firm belief that I am something of a feminist.

I honestly do not want to start a huge discussion about this issue and I certainly do not want to cause anyone any offence, it's just making my head hurt to think about it. So much so, that I couldn't even relax enough to have a snooze this afternoon. I mean, I did drop off eventually but this was all whirling around in my mind for a good 20 minutes first...

What I want to know is this:

Is it possible to be feminine and feminist at the same time?

I've had many a discussion with a lovely academic friend of mine who specialises in feminism but we've also had lots of conversations about make-up, diets, fashion.

Doesn't everybody (male or female) like to feel attractive at least occasionally? I think that's just human nature and does not necessarily mean you are being subservient.  If a male or a female compliments me then I'll take it, but I like dressing up and playing around with make-up because it's fun and makes me feel good about myself, not just to impress others - although to be honest you all owe me a debt of gratitude for making an effort.

Or, in order to just be judged by my skills and abilities, do I have to walk around inside a box?

Anyway, I've just deleted about 500 words because it has properly sent my brainbox into overdrive and isn't making much sense and I'm really not trying to start anything.

What it really all boils down to is this:

  • Am I still allowed to wear make-up?

I'm off to find out... Will report back shortly!

Love you all, wangers or wieners x


  1. Awright, Plymouth-Marian-Keyes, had tremendous fun catching up with your blog, and to comment on your latest thoughts: we can wear as much or as little make-up as we fancy, providing it was bought a) for a bargain (as in Bonus Time not charity-shop territory b) you take off the make-up properly. Doesn't matter who the make-up's for, as long as it doesn't get on the sheets, be they Harrods or Primarni. That's just nasty.

  2. Thanks Auntagnes!I agree.

    I've also had the thumbs up from a proper bona-fide feminist that we are, in fact, uber feminist by taking pride in our appearance for our own enjoyment. Brills, I'm off to put some more on then burn my bra.
